The Unique Artistry of JoAnne Berkow
Meet the Artist
JB is very well known for her super realistic scenes of Europe. However, her first love was the female figure. So, thirty years ago she began sculpting the female figure and cast her creations in bronze. However, after founding and becoming president of a large 501(C)3 nonprofit, 3-D fine art fabrication facility in Palm Beach County where they produce everything in glass, she now casts her work in glass. After the work is cast JB then paints and embellishes the pieces with items that she's made in Benzaiten's Flameworking Studio making each sculpture a one-of-a-kind work of art.

JB's Pricing Methodology
Many artists base their pricing solely on size. This has very little to do with JB's pricing methodology. She prices mainly according to complexity and the time involved in creating the work of art. Certain of her works are priced higher than average because these are part of the artist's 'Personal Inventory' and occupies a special place in her own home. Some are priced lower than average because they are older pieces. None of these factors should be taken as a reflection on the merit of any partticular piece.  JB also does not believe in marking up for a discount, so consider her prices her most reasonable offer and non-negotiable. She will consider discounts if one buys multiple pieces.